Baraize Translations

Baraize Translations

Spanish/English into French 
language services

French native professional translator, from Spanish and English into French.
Working with private individuals, companies, agencies or public institutions.

Following a double degree in linguistics and international business, I have worked over 6 years as a translator and as an import/export manager in diverse international companies. This business experience led me to directly witness the importance of conveying a perfectly translated and culturally adapted message into a target language.

Today, thanks to my freelance status, I can provide you with direct, personal and customized services for more efficiency and flexibility.


Offered services

Here are the most common services I can provide.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a specific project in mind.

“Translation is that which transforms everything
so that nothing changes"
- Günter Grass, Nobel Prize in Literature -

Your guarantees

Working with a passionate professional freelance translator brings you a significant improvement in the fluidity of your requests.


By having one direct contact, you receive a quicker response, and your request are delivered directly tome.


With a professionally trained native speaker, you get a fluid and relevant translation.


You can rest assured that your content stays safe with me. By working with one single person, you highly reduce your risks.

Personalized services

Every customer has a different need. Working independently allows me to adapt to your requests and help you reach your goals.

Areas of expertise

Though specialized in these areas, do not hesitate to contact me for other projects you may have
as I am always curious and open to developing other skills.

Food Industry, Nutrition
& Wellness

Recipes / food labels / nutrition videos / fitness, diabetes, dieting and fasting websites & apps / organic fruits and vegetables / food safety manuals

Apps, Websites
& Video Games

Localization, linguistic testing and proofreading, reviewing, SEO consulting / descriptions of apps, software and video games for platforms

International Trade
& Import-export

Logistics documents / brochures / goods transportation / labels

Contact me

For any questions, you can write to me at or call me directly at +34 664 33 33 50.

Or meet me on these platforms
